What We Do

Stephanie Harvey Consulting specializes in a wide range of professional development opportunities and initiatives for clients from around the world. Our focus is on best literacy practice across the curriculum in grades PreK-12.

With a focus on literacy instruction, we work with clients in the areas of comprehension instruction, nonfiction literacy, inquiry-based learning, content area reading and writing, active learning and the role of passion, wonder and engagement in learning.

Our clients can select from a range and combination of presentations and interactions including:

  • Speeches and Keynotes. Short presentations of one to two hours that address best literacy practices and focus on the big picture in this era of standards-based education, thinking across the curriculum and inquiry-based learning.
  • Practical Inservices. Short practical presentations which describe and demonstrate teaching and learning strategies that engage children and support teachers, generally a half day in length
  • Literacy Workshops. Full day opportunities for teachers, librarians, staff developers, coaches and administrators to focus on the thinking, reading, writing and research process across the curriculum at various grade levels--primary, intermediate, middle, and high school.
  • Classroom Demonstrations. A three-hour format, where SH consultants engage in an hour long classroom demonstration lesson, while practitioners observe and meet in pre- and post-briefings of an hour each to discuss and reflect on the demonstration lesson and the teaching and learning implications. Typical format includes one three-hour session in the morning, with like-kind grade levels or subject areas, and a second session in the afternoon, with another group.
  • Lab Classroom Facilitation.  A multi-day approach to staff development where the classroom teacher opens her classroom to other teachers from the building or district to share teaching practice. SH consultants plan with the teacher and facilitate the discussion among visiting teachers that emerges from watching the classroom teacher organize a literate environment, plan for instruction, model lessons, and confer with kids.
  • Coaching Sessions and Study Groups. Ongoing professional development where practitioners study a specific aspect of literacy or literacy staff development reading broadly, delving deeply into content, and implementing new practices in their classrooms; SH consultants facilitate, contribute, coach, and help to plan future instruction and support student learning and achievement over time. Usually occurs in conjunction with workshops and demonstration lessons.
  • Multi-Day Institutes. Two day plus sessions to explore in-depth the thinking, reading, writing and inquiry process across the curriculum, including spirited DVD examples of teachers and kids in classrooms.
  • In-School Residencies. Three day plus sessions, where SH consultants work in the same classroom each day, modeling literacy strategies and engaging the kids in reading and writing, as participants observe and reflect on the teaching and learning over the course of the week. This adaptive model shows a continuum of classroom-based literacy teaching and learning.
  • District-Wide Literacy Initiatives. Large scale, multi-year literacy implementation involving a significant number of schools in a district or state. SH Consulting contracts for a large number of days and provides many of the above services across the course of several years.

We customize our services to meet the needs of each individual school, collection of schools, district, or entity that we serve. In addition to working directly with teachers and principals in schools, we also assist in planning and implementing district-wide literacy staff development over time. While the offerings above vary from one-hour keynote speeches to ongoing, systemic, staff development opportunities, we have found that a combination of these services results in the highest quality, most effective, professional development.